Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starting a new vege garden

This was before we started the new vege patch in mid September 2010..........
Was browsing the Otepoti Urban Organics site and found a "pioneer potato patch" recipe at and decided to give it a go..... well my own version of it anyway. So we (all credit to Tony really as my back was not in good shape).... dug over a spade depth of turf, trying (unsuccessfully of course) to get every last couch grass root out, and mixed in a loose mixture of roughly equal quantities of soil, pine needles (spuds like the acid of pine needles), eel grass from a not so secret location, and compost. Seed potatoes were nestled into 20cm of this mix just above the pure soil level, and we wait........Planted 27 Jersey Bennes in 9 square metres. waiting, waiting, waiting......